Orthopädisches Therapie Zentrum, Dr. Kurt Schöppe
Praxisklinik für Orthopädie
Dr. med. Kurt Schöppe - Prof. Dr. K.-P. Schulitz
Rochusstraße 289 - 53123 Bonn-Duisdorf

Tel.: 0228 3863060
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Bei Rückenschmerzen hilft Dr. Kurt Schöppe, Orthopäde in Bonn-Bad Godesberg
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Operation Bandscheibenvorfall Dr. Schöppe, Bonn Rückenschmerzen - Operation?, Orthopäde Dr. Kurt Schöppe in Bonn Bad Godesberg hilft Godesberger Therapie Zentrum, Dr. Kurt Schöppe
Orthopädie in Bonn, Dr. Schöppe

Endoscopic Nucleotomy (ETN)

TESSYS™ Methode


For the removal of herniated intervertebral discs the TESSYS™ method utilizes the special lateral, transforaminal, endoscopic approach, which is less traumatic to the patient and represents by itself a very effective surgical fragmentectomy-approach. Sequestrated disc-material is completely removed, directly through the foramen, which is stepwise widened with specially designed reamers and instruments. Thereby the patient is based in a stable lateralposition and is also awake during the entire operation due to local anaesthesia. A TESSYS™ procedure can be performed effectively also in a day-care surgery-center. The TESSYS™ method allows the access to every herniated disc. The reported recurrencerate is very low.


A stepwise and 3-staged guidewire principle is applied, inserting into the foramen, under x-ray control from the TESSYS™ instrumentation a variety of guiding rods, guiding cannulas, working cannulas and above mentioned reamers. Later ones are widening the foramen by reaming bone material away. Due to this procedure a safe access to the spinal canal is ensured. Through this access and through a newly developed spinal multiscope, allowing full endoscopic visualisation, and with specially developed punches and graspers the herniated intervertebral disc, causing the serious radicular symptom, is then removed.


Due to the small treatment, less bone tissue is damaged, the bleeding is reduced and also the scarring is lower. The patient can leave the hospital after on day. If necessary, the treatment can also be ambulant. However it is recommanded to remain in the hospital for one night. The next day, the physician visits the patient once more and advices him.


The physiotherapy should start 6 weeks later.

Therapy Center for Pain Relief
Pain therapy
Conservative methodes
Minimal invasive methods
Blockage of the facets
Injection therapy
Heat probe treatment
TESSYS™ Method
Epidurale stimulation of the marrow
Basics about the spine
Deformation of the feet

Orthopäde Dr. Kurt Schöppe in Bonn Bad Godesberg
Rückenschmerzen kurieren im GTZ von Dr. Kurt Schöppe
Orthopäde Dr. Kurt Schöppe in Bonn Bad Godesberg Bandscheibenoperation bei Dr. Schöppe
Godesberger Therapie Zentrum, Dr. Kurt Schöppe
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