Each third adult in Germany suffers of back pain, which is already chronic for 3 Mill. inhabitants. Each year, more than 100.000 surgeries of the intervertebral disks are performed - not all lead to the expected results. Even for those, modern treatments are available nowadays helping patients that pain is not a life long fate.
It happens quite often that experienced doctors differently diagnose problems with the intervertebral disks. Consequently different treatments are suggested. However, the strategy of the treatment should be questioned constantly - whether a surgery really is necessary, when should be started with a minimal invasive method, is the pain already chronic.
To solve these questions not only the experiences of the physician in charge is important but also his well-founded knowledge about recent, well established treatments which are quite often interdisciplinary.
The detailed interrogation of the patient is as important as the best treatment and an intensive aftertreatment. We advice you extensively and make sure that you feel comfortable with us.